Church Community
“Love one another, as I have loved you” (John 13: 34)
We have strong links with our local Church, St Peter Ad Vincula. The Vicar leads our Collective Worship twice a month.
Family Services take place on the second Sunday of every month at our local church and everyone is welcome. The Service is very well attended and pupils take an active role, planning and leading Services, arranging Hymns and Readings.
Church School Distinctiveness
In Church Schools we use Christian Values to live our school life by.
“Our rural village school derives its ethos from its Christian values (1). This means that every member of our school community, of whatever faith or ethnicity whatever their status, from our head to the youngest child in the nursery class is valued equally; all are equal in the sight of God (2).
To enable each of us to flourish we encourage good manners (these are based on consideration of others) unselfishness and an ethic of service (3).
In such an atmosphere each of us can learn without fear (4), dare to take initiatives (5), believe in ourselves and therefore succeed in our education which is, of course, the focus of our school (6).
This approach of thoughtful, shared endeavour (7) applies to school work, sport, music, drama and in all our dealings with each other, in or out of school.
We are a community (8).”
1. ‘The Roots and Shoots’ Collective Worship scheme forms the focus of the work we do in Collective Worship. This is delivered by the staff, the children and our local vicar in the school. It is developed and endorsed by The Church of England and is based on Christian values and includes other religions.
2. The Value of equality is at the centre of the work that permeates out from Collective Worship into the classroom and onto the playground. It is the core of the discussions with children when their behaviour is not acceptable. It is the focus of discussion when we make people feel uncomfortable through our actions and words. It underpins our behaviour policy and its success is evident in the low incidents of bullying recorded within the school.
3. Seen in its simplest form it is in the care that the children give towards each other on a daily basis. Year 6 buddies, head boy and head girl showing visitors around the school; children leading in church services and in school assemblies, raising funds for charities, representing the school proudly and politely on educational visits etc.; the school being itself, at its best, through the diverse and creative aspects of the curriculum. Children do learn in this school without fear, they are loved into being the best they can be; from the high jump in the inter house athletics competitions; from children teaching children, children sharing their learning with each other at the regular Achievement Assemblies and preparing flowers for the church for services. The school is used by the local community and the church regularly for their events.
We use the ‘Roots and Shoots’ programme daily as the basis for our Collective Worship and underpins our school’s ethos. We follow the Warwickshire Agreed Syllabus and supporting documents from RE Today within our religious studies.